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Measurement system, devices, sensors, holders and services for  pulsed high magnetic field.

High Magnetic Field measurement system


BeScal is a modular measurement system, designed primarily for high pulsed magnetic field analysis. The system is capable to measure pulsed magnetic field within 200 mTesla - 90 Tesla range; exact measurement range depends on calibration of selected sensors.

Key benefits of the system:

  • Magnetic field pulse strength is measured independent on sensor orientation in the field,

  • Several sensors measure magnetic field synchronously,

  • High resistance against Electromagnetic interference.


Key features of the System are:

  • Scalar measurement of magnetic field with 16 bit resolution,

  • µs time resolution,

  • Distributed control.


The system consists of:

  1. BeScal magnetic field meter

  2. CMR B-Scalar sensors

  3. Fiber-optic Hub

  4. Control Software


Various accessories are manufactured under request.

Articles Pulsed High Magnetic Field measurement

Articles and references


HIGH Pulsed Magnetic field meter

  • 16 bit magnetic field resolution

  • Time resolution down to 1,4 µs

  • Multiple trigger options

  • Autonomous power supply and operation

  • Connectors: USB, Fiber-Optics

  • Resistant against high level Electromagnetic interference

  • Robust body

Pulsed High Magnetic Field Meter
Magneroresistive High Magnetic Field Sensor

CMR sensors

Colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) sensors are made from nanostructured manganites. Key features of the Sensors are:

  • measure magnetic fields up to 90 Tesla.

  • Orientation independent readings

  • Tiny active element

  • High level protection from EMI


Custom Sensor options developed under request.

Fiber optic hub

Fiber Optic Hub (FOH) galvanically isolates Control Computer from BeScal magnetic field meter and enables simultaneous monitoring of several BeScal meters.

  • Up to 4 BeScal magnetic field meters located at distance up to 25 m can be connected.

  • Control computer can be placed outside of intense EMI area.
  • Commands from computer are transferred to BeScal magnetic field meters and measurement data is transferred to computer.

Fiber Optic Hub for connection on BeScal High Magnetic Field Meters
High Magnetic Field pulse on BeScal window

Control Software

Control software enables User to manage magnetic field measurement from personal computer, collect, display and save data for further processing with other programs.

Accessories and Services

Specificly for Your application we desing and manufacture special sensor holders and other accessories.
On special request our experts will provide on site measuremet services.

Probe  holder for High magnetic field gradient measurement
BeScal meter
CMR sensors

Apertika, UAB
VinciÅ«niškių sodų 7-toji g. 19
LT-10241 Vilnius

T: +370-699-94752

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